[pr] おすすめゲーム
Introduction / はじめに
I will show how to replace the battery on iPhone 11.
このビデオでは、iPhone 11のバッテリー交換方法を紹介します。
Tools Needed / 必要な工具
What tools you will need to disassemble the iPhone 11:
iPhone 11を分解するのに必要な工具:
- Screwdriver set / ドライバーセット
- Plastic mediator / プラスチックメディエーター
- Suction cup for removing display / ディスプレイを取り外すための吸盤
- Tweezers / ピンセット
- Plastic opening tool / プラスチックオープニングツール
- Adhesive tape for restoring water protection / 防水保護を復元するための接着テープ
- Adhesive silicon tape for the battery / バッテリー用接着シリコンテープ
Step-by-Step Instructions / 手順の説明
Step 1: Turn Off the iPhone / 手順1: iPhoneの電源を切る
Turn off the iPhone, then take a 0.8 mm Pentalobe screwdriver and remove the 2 screws near the charging port.
Step 2: Heat the Display / 手順2: ディスプレイを加熱する
Take any hair dryer and heat the surface of the display for 1-2 minutes.
The required temperature for heating is 60-70 degrees Celsius; almost any hair dryer will be enough to detach the display from the case.
Step 3: Remove the Display / 手順3: ディスプレイを取り外す
Set the suction cup on the bottom of the display.
Take a thin plastic mediator and begin to disconnect the display from the case.
If you have warmed the surface of the display well enough, the opening process will not be difficult. If needed, you can additionally warm the surface of the display.
The case of the iPhone 11 opens like a book, opening the display to the right.
iPhone 11のケースは本のように開き、ディスプレイは右側に開きます。
Step 4: Disconnect the Battery / 手順4: バッテリーを切断する
First, you need to disconnect the battery cable, but in the iPhone 11 it is located under a metal panel, which holds 3 screws, and one of the screws is hard to reach, it’s under the cable of the display module.
まず、バッテリーケーブルを切断する必要がありますが、iPhone 11では金属パネルの下にあり、このパネルには3本のネジがあり、1本はディスプレイモジュールのケーブルの下にあるため、手が届きにくいです。
So, in order not to break the display cable, first remove the 5 screws on the large panel, then disconnect the 3 cables of the display.
After removing the display, remove the 3 screws on the second metal panel and disconnect the battery cable.
Step 5: Remove the Speaker and Taptic Engine / 手順5: スピーカーとタプティックエンジンを取り外す
To replace the battery on the iPhone 11, I recommend removing the bottom speaker and Taptic engine.
iPhone 11のバッテリーを交換するには、下部のスピーカーとタプティックエンジンを取り外すことをお勧めします。
Remove 5 screws and remove the antenna.
Next, remove another 2 screws on the speaker.
Now take a hair dryer and heat the black tape between the speaker and the Taptic engine to make it easier to peel off without damage.
Step 6: Remove the Battery / 手順6: バッテリーを取り外す
Remove the 6 adhesive tapes from under the battery.
Take tweezers and peel off the tape from the battery. Now slowly, pull the tape away from the battery.
If one of the tapes is torn, apply a couple of drops of isopropyl alcohol under the battery, and the tape will peel off the case.
When peeling off the last tape, hold the battery.
In the description under the video, I left a link where to buy a new battery for the iPhone 11.
ビデオの説明欄に、iPhone 11の新しいバッテリーを購入できるリンクを記載しました。
Step 7: Install the New Battery / 手順7: 新しいバッテリーを取り付ける
The battery should be glued to the iPhone case. You can use silicone adhesive tapes, the same ones that were removed from under the battery, or double-sided tape.
Step 8: Reassemble the iPhone / 手順8: iPhoneを再組み立てする
Connect 3 cables of the display module to the main board and only after that, connect the battery cable.
Install the small metal panel and fasten the 3 screws.
Turn the display over and press it around. Fasten the last 2 screws near the charging port and you can turn on your iPhone 11.
ディスプレイを裏返し、周囲を押します。充電ポート近くの最後の2本のネジを締め、iPhone 11をオンにできます。
Conclusion / 結論
So, I hope this video was useful for you, and I helped restore your iPhone 11.
このビデオがあなたにとって役立ち、iPhone 11の復元に役立ったことを願っています。