[pr] おすすめゲーム
Introduction / はじめに
Your iPhone 12 mini has a cracked display, or the touch doesn’t work properly anymore.
あなたのiPhone 12 miniのディスプレイが割れているか、タッチが正しく機能しなくなっています。
In this repair video, we show you how you can easily replace the display on your own.
Preparation / 準備
Replacing the display of the iPhone 12 mini is relatively easy since only a few parts have to be removed.
iPhone 12 miniのディスプレイの交換は比較的簡単です。取り外す部品が少ないためです。
Plan about 45 to 60 minutes for your repair.
Step-by-Step Instructions / 手順の説明
Step 1: Turn off your iPhone / 手順1: iPhoneをオフにする
Switch off your iPhone 12 mini first to avoid short circuits during the repair.
修理中のショートを避けるため、最初にiPhone 12 miniの電源を切ります。
To do so, press the side and silent key simultaneously for a few seconds.
Step 2: Open the iPhone / 手順2: iPhoneを開く
The iPhone 12 mini is opened via the display, which is heavily glued and additionally fixed with screws.
iPhone 12 miniはディスプレイを通して開きます。ディスプレイは強力に接着され、さらにネジで固定されています。
To detach the display, you first have to loosen the two pentalobe screws that are located on the left and right of the lightning connector.
Then, use a heat gun or a regular hair dryer to heat the glued display edge.
You should therefore heat it for a relatively long time.
As soon as you have warmed up the glue sufficiently, you can lift the display up.
Either attach a suction cup or the iSclack on the lower display edge to create a narrow gap between the display and the case unit.
Be careful not to burn your fingers on the heated display.
Step 3: Remove the Display / 手順3: ディスプレイを取り外す
Enlarge the gap with a flat stable tool like the iFlex.
To prevent the glue from reconnecting at the loosened spots, you should push flat plastic pegs under the edge of the display at regular distances.
Preheat the display at the spot where you are working on and run your tool around the edge of the display to loosen it piece by piece from the rest of the rear case.
Step 4: Disconnect the Connectors / 手順4: コネクタを切断する
The display cables are still connected and have to be disconnected.
To avoid overstretching the cables, you should lean the display against a stable object.
The connectors of the two display cables as well as the battery connector lie under two screwed cover plates.
To be able to separate the connectors from the logic board, you have to loosen the plates with a wire type screwdriver first.
To prevent a potential short circuit, you should always separate the exposed battery connector in the first place.
Step 5: Replace the Earpiece / 手順5: イヤーピースを交換する
The sensors for Face ID are integrated via a sensor cable on the earpiece.
Face IDのセンサーはイヤーピースのセンサーケーブルを介して統合されています。
Therefore, you have to take over the earpiece from your old display to continue using the function.
To remove the earpiece including the sensor cable, you first have to unscrew the two of the lips and two wiretap screws that secure the module.
Fold the detached earpiece around and use a flat, sturdy tool like the steel spatula to carefully level the sensors from the guides.
Be especially careful not to damage the sensitive sensors.
Step 6: Reassemble the iPhone / 手順6: iPhoneを再組み立てする
Position the earpiece on the replacement display and press the sensors back into their guides.
Make sure that the sensors are all seated evenly.
Then flip the earpiece around and fix it with the screws.
Step 7: Test the Replacement Display / 手順7: 交換ディスプレイをテストする
Once everything is installed, we recommend connecting the replacement display provisionally to test its functionality.
Lean the display against the stable object and press the connectors onto the logic board.
The battery connector lasts.
Then carefully fold the display around, do not press it tight yet.
Turn on your device and drag an app across the screen to check if the touch responds everywhere and no pixel errors are displayed.
After that, also test if Face ID still works properly after taking over the earpiece.
その後、イヤーピースを引き継いだ後、Face IDが正常に機能するかどうかもテストします。
If something does not work or doesn’t work as it should, check again if everything is connected and screwed correctly.
Step 8: Final Assembly / 手順8: 最終組立て
If everything is okay, you can open the display again and insert the cover plates.
The screw holes help you with the alignment.
Screw the cover plates back in place with the wiretap screws.
To close your iPhone 12 mini again, press the display back into the case unit so that it sits evenly everywhere.
再びiPhone 12 miniを閉じるには、ディスプレイをケースユニットに戻して、どこでも均等に収まるように押します。
Additionally, you can heat the display edge again and weigh it down with something heavy for approximately half an hour.
Fix the display with the pentalobe screws at the end of the repair.
Conclusion / 結論
I hope the display of your iPhone 12 mini is now shining again.
あなたのiPhone 12 miniのディスプレイが再び輝いていることを願っています。